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12/09/2019Data for sustainable development Dr. Francesco Gaetani
15/08/2019Risks of Climate Change and Land Use for the Amazon: The Need for a New Sustainable Development Paradigm Dr. Carlos Nobre

The Power of Representations: The Green and Blue Plot and the Metropolitan Region of Paraíba Valley and North Coast – An Experiment in Counter Cartography

Drs. Tathiane Mayumi Anazawa e Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro – OBT/INPE
FutureSea- Envisioning the social-ecological future of seascapes under climate change: Integrating an ecological trait-based approach and social participatory scenarios

Dra. Mireia Valle – BC3
Boundary Layer Dynamics and Surface-Atmosphere Interactions in the Amazon: Potential Studies / Collaborations using in situ measurements and numerical modeling

Dra. Rosa Maria Nascimento Santos – UEA

Tools for Communicating Agricultural Drought over the Brazilian Semiarid Using the Soil Moisture Index

Dr. Luís Marcelo de Mattos Zeri – CEMADEN

Northern Tropical South America precipitation biases in historical experiments of CMIP5 models

Dra. Fernanda Cerqueira Vasconcellos – UFRJ

Climate Change: Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation through Uncertainties

Dr. Roger Rodrigues Torres – UNIFEI – IRN

Presentation of the Research Group on Atmospheric Sciences of the Institute of Physics of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Dr. Hamilton Germano Pavão – UFMS

Machine Learning and Applications in Meteorology

Dra. Amanda Sabatini Dufek – LNCC

Challenges and trends of atmospheric modeling for weather and climate forecasting in Brazil

Dr. Pedro Leite da Silva Dias – USP

There is more to climate than the North Atlantic Oscillation: a new perspective from climate dynamics to explain the variability in population growth rates of a long-lived seabird

Dr. Michel d. S. Mesquita – Senior Research Scientist at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre and the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research

Reservoirs and Climate

Dr. Arcilan Trevenzoli Assireu – UNIFEI

The need of Regional Modelling for India

Saurabh Bhardwaj – Center for Climate Modelling, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)

Agriculture in the Environment

Dr. Luiz Antonio Martinelli – CENA – USP/Campus Piracicaba, SP

Science from beginning to end. A holistic and multidisciplinary view. The case of degraded pastures in Brazil and the polluter-pays

Dr. Carlos Alberto Valera – Promotor de Justiça – Coordenadoria Regional das Promotorias de Justiça do Meio Ambiente das Bacias dos Rios Paranaíba e Baixo Rio Grande, MG
Environmental Protection Area – APA – of the Uberaba river, MG: The importance of the participation of the communities involved

Prof. Dra. Vera Lúcia Abdala – IFTM – Campus Uberaba, MG

Urban Analysis with Geographic Data Science and New Forms of Data

Dr. Daniel Arribas-Bel
Organização: SERE/INPE

Monitoring of natural ecosystems in the Cerrado with hypertemporal and hyperspectral remote sensing data

Dr. Pedro Leitão

(Technische Universität Braunschweig / Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Organização: SERE/INPE
19/09/2018Current carbon balance in the Amazon and future prospects Dr. Celso von Randow – CCST/INPE/SJC
07/11/2018Long-term Landsat time series – a new opportunity for forest diversity researchDra. Wanda Graf – PhD student at the chair of Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing, University of Göttingen, Germany
18/04/2018Humboldt Expedition- Project Documentary FilmVictor Leonardi – Historiador